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Low Back Pain and Obesity Part 1

Low Back Pain and Obesity Part 1
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Losing weight can dramatically reduce Low back pain (LBP). For the next two articles, we will look at easy ways to lose weight without the need for fancy, hard to follow diets. As the saying goes, this is a "no-brainer."

  1. Time your meals. Set a timer for 20 minutes and "pace yourself" so that you eat slower. This is one of the most effective ways to reduce weight without a complicated diet plan. Make each bite "count" and enjoy the food’s flavor! This tricks your brain into thinking you’re more full while wolfing down your food in a hurry blocks those brain signals, resulting in over-eating.
  2. Sleep an extra hour. This can result in a drop of 14 pounds a year, according to University of Michigan research.
  3. Eat three servings of vegetables in your evening meal instead of just one. You can eat more and STILL reduce weight!
  4. Add a broth-based soup to your day. It fills you up without adding many calories. Avoid creamy soups as they can be high in fat and calories.
  5. Eat more whole grains. Add brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat, and/or whole wheat when consuming waffles, pizza crust, English muffins, and pasta. If you are gluten sensitive, look for alternatives like quinoa.
  6. Visualize your favorite "skinny clothes." Think about, or literally take out, a favorite dress or pair of pants that you no longer fit into and use it as a target or goal to wear them again.
  7. Skip the bacon! If you avoid eating bacon at breakfast or on your sandwich at lunch, you’ll save about 100 calories a day or about ten pounds per year! Instead add tomato slices, banana peppers, roasted red bell peppers, grainy mustard, or a light spread of herbed goat cheese.
  8. Pizza perfect! Choose a veggie topping vs. meat and shave 100 calories from your meal. Consider going light on the cheese, using reduced fat cheese, and choosing a thin, bread-like crust made with olive oil.
  9. Drink "smart!" Trade that soda in for water or zero-calorie seltzer and you’ll avoid about 10 teaspoons of sugar! Add a lemon, mint, or frozen strawberries for a much more satisfying beverage.


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