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Archive for the 'Back Pain' Category

What Causes Low Back Pain?

Obviously, there are MANY causes of low back pain (LBP) but some may be surprising: Trauma: Let’s start with the easy one – falling down, over lifting, twisting, pushing, pulling, bending over, sporting activities, work activities, sex, sneezing, raking, shoveling, etc. We’ve all sprained an ankle or a finger and based on statistics, most of [..]

Running and Low Back Pain

Have you ever noticed every time you go running, you have lower back pain either during or after the run? If so, you may be wondering if you should quit running, find an alternative sport, or simply stop all activity and adopt a sedentary lifestyle. If you love the benefits of running and want to [..]

Try These Exercises First Thing in the Morning...

Has your chiropractor ever asked, "Did you do your exercises?" How did you respond? If you’re like 96% of the general population, you probably scrambled, looking for excuses that your chiropractor would "buy." Of course, he or she is not out to humiliate you or make you feel bad about not being the "perfect patient" [..]

Simple "On-The-GO" Low Back Exercise

"Doc, I try to do my exercises but I have to hit the ground running in the morning….to get the kids ready for the school bus….I have morning meetings….I’m not a morning person….I’m pulled in 100 directions during the day….I forget about them until I’m in bed….I exercise on my job and that’s enough…" I’m [..]

What Can I Do To Reduce My Risk For Low Back Pain?

Low back pain (LBP) can have many causes such as genetics, acquired abuses, body type (especially obesity—body mass index or BMI >30), gender, as well as cultural aspects that predispose one to acquire low back trouble. So, the question remains, "What can I do to reduce my risk for developing low back pain?" The answer, [..]

Would Traction Help My Back Pain?

Traction is a common form of treatment for patients with low back pain. By definition, traction is the "act of pulling a body part." That basically means traction can be applied to an arm, leg, finger, toe... virtually any body part that one can get a hold of. Here, the focus of traction is being [..]

Why Does My Back Always Hurt?

Low back pain is a very common problem affecting 80-90% of all of us at some point during our lives. But why? There are many reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that we are two-legged animals carrying two-thirds of our weight above our waist. Studies have shown deterioration or arthritis occurs much sooner in [..]

I Slipped a Disk – What Is That Exactly?

"I was digging a hole in my garden and hit a rock with the shovel. After clearing the dirt from around the rock, I bent over and reached into the hole. I couldn’t get a good grip on the rock and had to twist my body to get my arm under it. As I started [..]

Back School 101

Chiropractic care for patients with low back pain (LBP) not only includes spinal manipulation or adjustments but also patient education in regards to heat/ice, performing daily activities, and exercise. Heat vs. Ice: This topic is controversial, as often patients will be told by their friends and family to use the opposite of what a doctor [..]

Low Back Pain – Seasonal Injuries

Every season brings unique activities that require us to perform some physical activity we may not want to do but have no choice. In the winter, shoveling snow comes to mind (at least in some parts of the country) while spring, summer, and fall may include yard clean up, mowing, and raking. All of these [..]