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Archive for the 'Back Pain' Category

Treating Low Back-Related Leg Pain

Low back-related leg pain (LBRLP) is a common condition that drives patients into primary care clinics, including chiropractic offices, but these cases are often complex, and determining the underlying cause can be clinically challenging. Let’s take a look at the current treatment strategies for LBRLP. To begin with, the patient’s doctor will need to determine [..]

The Lower Back and Fall Prevention

Serious falls can lead to a number of negative outcomes in older adults, from impaired mobility to loss of independence to early death. Thus, steps that can be taken to reduce the risk for falls will not only potentially result in a longer life, but also help support a higher quality of life in those [..]

Cauda Equina Syndrome

The cauda equina (Latin for “horse’s tail”) is made up of many nerves that travel down and exit out the sides of the lumbar spine and sacrum (tail bone) and transfer information (motor and sensory) to and from our legs and brain. If the cauda equina becomes compressed, the resulting cauda equina syndrome (CES) is [..]

The Lower Back, Leg Pain, and Sciatica

The roots of the sciatic nerve exit the spine through several levels in the lower back, join in the buttock region, and travel down into the lower extremities. When pressure is applied to the sciatic nerve in the lower back area, it can generate pain and other sensations down the nerve into one of the [..]

Groin Pain: The Low Back, Hips, and Pelvic Floor

In addition to neck pain and back pain, patients seek chiropractic care for many musculoskeletal conditions, including groin pain. Pain in the groin area can emanate from a myriad of causes from issues involving the reproductive organs, the renal/urinary system, the lymph glands, a pelvic flood disorder, a hip joint condition, and even a lumbar [..]

Low Back Pain and Cycling

Cycling is regarded as a highly enjoyable and effective form of exercise. However, there is some confusion about how posture while riding can affect the lower back and whether cycling is helpful for recovery from lower back pain. Bicyclists ride with either a round-back, flat-back, or curved-in back, which is based on the degree of [..]

Choose Chiropractic FIRST for Low Back Pain

When it comes to a condition like low back pain, does it matter what type of healthcare provider a patient initially visits for treatment? A study published in 2015 looked at this question and found that the type of healthcare provider a patient initially consulted had a dramatic effect on both their short-term and long-term [..]

Spinal Stability and Low Back Pain

When it comes to managing a low back condition, the goal of chiropractic treatment is for the patient return to their normal daily activities as soon as possible. This not only means addressing low back pain but also low back disability, including impaired postural control and reduced spinal stability, which can manifest in reduce position [..]

A Link Between Back Pain and Urinary Incontinence

While under chiropractic treatment, it’s not uncommon for a patient to report improvement for an issue that seems unrelated to their chief complaint. For example, a patient with a temporomandibular disorder may experience an improvement in their jaw symptoms following treatment to the neck or upper back. Or treatment to improve hip function may also [..]

Chiropractic Management of Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that affects about 3% of teenagers, though the cause is typically unknown. In most instances, the degree of spinal curvature is mild (10-15º curve), but in some cases, the curve may continue to increase as the child grows. Visible signs of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis include the following: uneven shoulders, one shoulder [..]