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Archive for the 'Back Pain' Category

Back Pain: Does Maintenance Care Work?

Non-specific low back pain (nsLBP) is one of the most common and costly healthcare problems affecting society, and it is also the leading cause of activity limitation and work absence around the world. Following a course of treatment to reduce pain and improve function for patients with a musculoskeletal complaint—such as back pain—doctors of chiropractic [..]

Can Exercise Prevent Low Back Pain?

While it’s not possible to totally prevent low back pain (LBP), individuals who regularly exercise appear to have a reduced risk for LBP. Additionally, fit adults who develop back pain may experience it less often, at a reduced intensity, and for a shorter duration than those who lead a more sedentary lifestyle. Which type of [..]

The “Red Flags” of Low Back Pain

Treatment guidelines published around the world note that ruling out “red flags” is a healthcare provider’s number one responsibility, which is in line with the decree exhorted by all healthcare professionals when first entering practice to do no harm. When detected, red flags prompt a doctor to stop and immediately send the patient to the [..]

Low Back Pain and the Feet

The foot and ankle are unique in that their range of motion includes not only the front-to-back, hinge-like motion we associate with walking but also the lateral or side-to-side movement needed to change directions quickly. A problem in the foot can have a “domino effect’ that alters the biomechanics or the ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, [..]

Low Back Pain: What Can I Do for It?

Low back pain (LBP) is the second most common reason for doctor visits in the United States and it is a condition that most of us will at some point in our lives. Last month, we reviewed the wide acceptance of spinal manipulation as the treatment of choice for both acute and chronic LBP. This [..]

Low Back Pain: Spinal Manipulation vs. NSAIDs

Low back pain (LBP) is the single greatest cause of disability worldwide and the second most common reason for doctor visits. Overall, LBP costs society more than $100 billion annually when factoring in lost wages, reduced productivity, and legal and insurance overhead expenses. Studies regarding the use of spinal manipulation(SM)—a form of treatment offered by [..]

Low Back Pain: Who Will Respond Best to Care?

Is it possible to identify which low back pain patients might experience the most benefit from spinal manipulation combined with exercise? In a 2011 study, researchers identified which patients might respond best to this combination of care and which patients might need a more aggressive approach. Directional preference (DP) describes a situation in which it [..]

Low Back and Dysmenorrhea – Are They Related?

Dysmenorrhea, also known as painful periods, is a common gynecological condition that affects up to 70% of menstruating women. About 15% of individuals with the condition report that it significantly interferes with their activities of daily living (ADLs) and in some cases, results in absence from school and/or work. Studies have found that dysmenorrhea is [..]

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

Low back pain (LBP) is VERY common condition, and research shows that up to 50% of the adult population in the United States will experience LBP in any three-month timeframe over the course of a year. Worse, low back pain can persist for months, years, and even longer, significantly reducing one’s ability to work, play, [..]

Chiropractic & Foot Orthotics: A Great Combination for Back Pain!

When treating patients with low back pain (LBP), doctors of chiropractic have three common goals: 1) pain management; 2) posture alignment or correction; and 3) prevention. When warranted, the use of corrective prescription foot orthotics can help achieve all three goals. In a 2017 study, researchers recruited 225 adult subjects with chronic low back pain [..]